Independent Project

Here on this page, I have showcased the independent project that I have been working on since my graduation, while working full time in an eLearning company.

CEA: Controlled-Environmental Agriculture

This is an ongoing independent project which I am working on after my graduation to design and build a multipurpose greenhouse equipped with an automated environmental control system. The design documentations can be presented to the potential customers.

The objective of this project was to design an ever evolving and versatile control system for any greenhouse required by customers. The following shows some of the steps taken to design the instrumentation system circuitry, coding and testing the control system as well as a web user interface. This system can be controlled and monitored remotely over the internet.

Testing the temperature and humidity sensors

To keep the cost of building the prototype down, a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B unit has been used as the controller of the system; however, if a specific design requires different controller specifications, it can be achieved as the project’s principles were based on versatility.

As an example, to provide a prototype for a potential customer in need of a chilled and humid environment to cultivate edible mushrooms (such as Enokitake) the design was expanded and modified for application of controlled refrigeration.

In this modified design, instead of a regular humidifier which increases the overall temperature of the environment, an ultrasonic humidifier, as well as a UV-light disinfector were added to the system.

Homemade ultrasonic moisture injector

Since the heaters were replaced with a refrigerator, the instrumentation system circuitry as well as the software were needed to be modified accordingly.

A quick sketch of the circuit diagram
and the completed controller unit
Testing the refrigeration function.

Testing the user interface and the controller system under different conditions and loads.

The main code has been written in Python, the web interface has been created using PHP, and SQL has been used for database management. The more specific details can be presented upon request and in person.